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690A Kit

Rockwell / Commander

What is a Hose Kit?

A group of hose assemblies for a specific application that you can order without having to 'send in' your old hoses or provide any information other than Aircraft Model and Aircraft Serial Number. An Engine Hose Kit would normally consist of all firewall forward engine hose assemblies and an Airframe Hose Kit could consist of hose assemblies for brakes, hydraulics, wing fuel etc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I have to purchase the complete set?

No, we sell hose assemblies one at a time. In some cases our customers have recently replaced one or more hose assemblies, so we delete them from the order (and the price). In other cases the aircraft has had a fuel flow computer installed and that requires an additional hose assembly so we add it to the order (and the price).

What if a hose assembly does not fit?

You call and with the information you provide, we will send you a hose assembly that will fit, and a return label.

Do hose kits come with bulk hose like for the engine breather that take clamps?

No. Only hose assemblies with at least one fitting are included. Bulk hose can be purchased separately and is sold by the length.

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